Q: What have been your experiences in life?
A: I have had a passion for technology since I was a kid. I had some experiences in high school working on computers and took all of the tech-related classes, such as a CompTIA A+ prep class, C++, HTML, Visual Basic, etc… I tried to get jobs at cell phone stores so I could work with technology every day, but no luck. I got married, had a kid, and started going to night classes at our community college. I opted for the Cisco Networking Associates degree and immediately fell in love with networking. I excelled at school and planned on pursuing the Cisco Route & Switch certification path. I got an internship at Savant Wealth Management, and eventually was hired full time. My knowledge and experience has grown greatly since then.
Q: Who are you as a person and as a professional?
A: First, I am a husband and father. I love my family and spending time with them. They are my motivation for a successful career. Second, I am a Cybersecurity Engineer currently in my career. I focus on various cybersecurity tools, systems, and policies. I handle everything from strategy to incident response. I have been at Savant Wealth Management since 2015. I have attained various certifications over my career, which can be seen on my Resume page. Check out my Projects page to see some of the cool things I have done.
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