CompTIA Security+ Certification – Part 1

I was browsing for content in Safari Books Online and saw a CompTIA Security+ Exam guide. This is an exam I have considered in the past, so I decided to click on it. When reviewing the book, I saw there was an option to take a Pearson practice exam and that it is included in my membership. I have never formally studied any of the Security+ exam content, but I thought it could be worth taking it to see how I would do.

I took the practice exam and I got a 90% and the passing requirement was 85%!

I was surprised by this result, and have determined that I am going to study up for this exam and take it. My goal is within the next month or so.

I am primarily responsible for many of our cyber security efforts where I work (second to my manager), and I think this would be a good fit for my role.

I will report my progress through new posts.