CompTIA Security+ Certification – Part 3 (I passed!)

I passed the Security+ exam on April 5th 2022 with a 787!

Security+ Logo

The Security+ incorporates best practices in hands-on troubleshooting, ensuring candidates have practical security problem-solving skills required to:

  • Assess the security posture of an enterprise environment and recommend and implement appropriate security solutions
  • Monitor and secure hybrid environments, including cloud, mobile, and IoT
  • Operate with an awareness of applicable laws and policies, including principles of governance, risk, and compliance
  • Identify, analyze, and respond to security events and incidents

Other than my experience, I relied primarily on Professor Messer’s video content. I watched all of his videos over the last 6 months or so.

I didn’t take any notes other than a few flashcards to memorize port numbers and protocols. I also used some study apps on my phone to do extra practice questions. I have been in IT since 2014 and focused on networking and security, and I have also had my CCNA in the past. I think those played a factor in my passing as well.

I used Professor Messer’s and Jason Dion’s practice exams, and here are my scores:

Messer A: 81%, Messer B: 88%, Messer C: 87%
Dion 1: 83%, Dion 2: 79%, Dion 3: 80%, Dion 4: 78%

I took a handful of TotalTester exams as well and averaged 85% on those.

My weakest categories were Architecture and Design and Governance-Risk-Compliance.

For the exam:

  • I did it at a testing center to avoid the complications of testing at home.
  • I skipped the Performance-Based Questions at the beginning and came back to them after the multiple-choice questions.
  • There were definitely questions that I had no idea for that even after going back for review still had no clue, so I just made the best guess
  • I had about 30 minutes left on the clock after reviewing everything and submitting
  • I was a little anxious that I might fail, but overall felt confident

Here is a link to my public badge!

Thanks to my wife and kids for being patient with me and for my time away to study!(Link to CompTIA’s website:
(Link to Professor Messer’s website: