Within the last few months, I have spent more time intentionally studying for the CompTIA Security+ exam, specifically the SY0-601. (Link to CompTIA’s website: https://www.comptia.org/certifications/security#overview)
I have primarily been using Professor Messer’s videos. (Link to Professor Messer’s website: https://www.professormesser.com/)
I have made it through about 12 hours of his 21 hours of videos, or around 57%.
Since I started watching the videos, I started taking some practice exams. I had access to practice exams since I am an ACM member (https://www.acm.org/), which gives me access to O’Reilly’s online learning platform (https://www.oreilly.com/online-learning/).
I have documented all of my exam scores so far, and here is a summary of where I am at (this is an average of 5 practice tests):
As you can see, I am not scoring very well in the “Governance, Risk, and Compliance” domain. I haven’t had very much in the realm of formal training in this, and I don’t have much real-world experience either.
On top of that, I haven’t gotten to that domain yet in the Professor Messer videos.
I also bought the Professor Messer Sec+ practice exams, and have only taken one of them so far, and got around an 81%. I noticed that many of the ones I got wrong are covered in videos of his that I haven’t watched yet.
I will continue watching his videos and taking exams and reporting my progress.