CompTIA Security+ Certification – Part 2

Within the last few months, I have spent more time intentionally studying for the CompTIA Security+ exam, specifically the SY0-601. (Link to CompTIA’s website: I have primarily been using Professor Messer’s videos. (Link to Professor Messer’s website: I have made it through about 12 hours of his 21 hours of videos, or around 57%. Since… Continue reading CompTIA Security+ Certification – Part 2


I will be attending CHI-NOG 10 this year. Just like I said in a previous posts about CHI-NOG, I am super excited about going to learn some new things and meet some great networking folks. Snippet from CHI-NOG’s website about what it is: CHI-NOG is the first and the only Chicago based Network Operators Groups.… Continue reading CHI-NOG 10